Google+ date of birth correction option removed from the admin console. The admins are restricted to correct DOB of the suspended user due to a wrong update of DOB in Google+ by a user.
Day by day Google has improved visual for users and admins to work smoother on Google platform. But sometimes its very annoying when Google deprecates any important feature because of the new interface.
Recently, Google has introduced a new way of viewing user account in the admin console but there are many things are missing from the new interface. Google internal Engineering ticket that explains this behavior and discloses that the new UI doesn’t support at this moment the Age-rename.
It is impossible to correct the DOB of any user from admin console as there is an option available. Let see what was the issue, why it happened and how it was resolved and how now we can resolve this.
Issue Description:
Some user has reported that they are no longer accessible to the mailbox as the mailbox has been disabled. Users did some changes in Google+ profile while they create a new profile or edit old profile. After saving settings suddenly they no longer able to access the mailbox.
Cause: Why users are not able to access mailboxes.
The account only locked via Google+ profile if the users have put their age below 13 years. And as per the Google standards, the person not allowed to use Google services if they are below 13 years. There are many reasons user have put the wrong DOB.
Like, Users put the wrong DOB unintentionally by mistake, In a hurry and thought they can change it next time, You colleague put the wrong DOB if you forget to lock your system, there are many reasons. Even, as the warning message, the account will be deleted in 30 days if the DOB will not be corrected by the user. Refer below screenshot.
In old interface there was an option to reset the user’s google DOB from admin console admin console>User’s profile> account>Google+ profile> Correct DOB. The admins were able to correct the DOB to get the account active instantly.
But, now in the new interface, there is no option like that and admin can not correct the DOB or any user. The Google’s proposed solution is not as per the business standards and user-friendly
As per Google Article below is the option to recover the user’s account.
If you use an account through your work, school, or another group, you should go to in order to re-enable your account. We currently offer two ways to confirm your age:
- Uploading an electronic copy of your current, government-issued ID showing your date of birth, or
- Performing a small transaction ($0.30 USD) on a valid credit card.
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